Avv. Fabrizio Ludini
Founder and name partner of the Firm, Fabrizio has a long, recognized, twenty-years of experience in the fields of banking and financial law, with specific focus in the (judicial and out of court) management of large non-performing loans portfolios as well as UTPs (unlikely to pay), also directing the Firm’s advisory activities for primary banks and loan servicing companies (the gross book value of non-performing exposures currently managed is approximately 2,5 billions of euros). Fabrizio also directs the activity of legal due diligence and advises servicer and investors for operations of transfer and/or securitization of portfolios of mortgage loans.
Since 2017 Fabrizio has been assisting primary banks in about 70 transactions concerning the selling of non-performing loans (either bad loans or unlikely to pay) towards single debtors and, in certain cases, limited numbers of debtors (the gross book value of non-performing loans sold with the assistance of the Firm amounts to about 1,8 billions of euros).
He is also specialized in bankruptcy and debt restructuring, (having supported and still) supporting banks in the defense of their rights in the contest of liquidation proceedings, also of extraordinary receivership (Amministrazione Straordinaria).
He is also legal advisors of Victoria Realty Management S.r.l.
Fabrizio graduated in Law, with honors, at La Sapienza University of Rome (1998).
Qualified lawyer since 2002. Member of the Rome Bar Association.
Advocate in the Supreme Court.
English and France
"For the highy specialization in the field of real estate. The efficiency in the answers and the most suitable solutions for every need are granted thanks to the fortieth experience of the Founder and the cohesion of all the attorneys of the team".
11 April 2020
"For the highy specialization in the field of real estate. The efficiency in the answers and the most suitable solutions for every need are granted thanks to the fortieth experience of the Founder and the cohesion of all the attorneys of the team".
11 April 2020